Games for Libraries

“Babel club”

  • The best book on a shelf/in an aisle
  • The most esoteric / sci-fi sounding book
  • The book with the most magical incantations
  • Best phrase
  • Best diagram
  • Guess the title and subject of this book based on this page I'm showing you
  • Guess the genre of a given shelf that you got blindfolded to go to
  • Bring back something cool you have 30 minutes

Research directed prompts

Given only the dewey-floor mapping index (a brochure available in the lobby), find N books that answer:

  • Assemble a list of essential knowledge for a hypothetical society (foundation/post apocalyptic) / “pick 5 books to rebuild society/on a tropical island”
  • Researching to write a film with X premise
  • Teaching an alien who speaks English how to pretend to be a human

Better results when you integrate multiple disciplines!


  • Coffee table/large format books are great to read together, wide viewing angle
  • Do this stuff in groups/teams so you don’t unshelve too many books for the librarians to put back
  • Focusing on textbooks might be interesting
  • need to mark book slot locations to put the books back

Need to google “things to do at the library”